Sunday, January 24, 2010

Increasing Intimacy in Marriage

Many of the couples I see say that they feel a lack of intimacy in their relationship. How many of us truly know what intimacy is or how to create it? How many of us have difficulty with intimacy because of our own issues? Read the article below and then see if you can build more intimacy in your relationship with your partner.

What Is Marital Intimacy?

Intimacy is the closeness of your relationship with your spouse -- emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, sexually, and in many other ways. Intimacy is not an end goal but rather a journey that lasts throughout your marriage. Marriage and family researchers Schaefer and Olson (1981) describe attaining intimacy as "a process that occurs over time and is never completed or fully accomplished" (p. 50). As you both grow and develop, each of you changes. If you neglect intimacy in your marriage, you will grow apart. The time to work on intimacy is now.

Benefits of Intimacy in Marriage
Studies show that marriage offers many benefits. According to Olson and Olson (2000), "Married people tend to be healthier, live longer, have more wealth and economic assets, and have more satisfying sexual relationships than single or cohabiting individuals. In addition, children generally do better emotionally and academically when they are raised in two-parent families" (p. 3). Read More>>>

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