Sunday, February 28, 2010

Suddenly Single: What It's Like To Go It Alone

Breaking up and being single again in your 30’s. How’s that sound to you scary, exciting, or depressing? What if that’s just the way it is for now, can you build a life for yourself that makes you happy? This article gives you a interesting view of being single in your thirties.


Breaking up in your 30s is very different to being free at 23. Lollie Barr explores how more and more "nearly-weds" are coping with a world that pins everything on pairing up.

At the age of 32, Marisa Knowles, a medical sales representative, felt her life was progressing just as she'd always planned. For three years, she had enjoyed a happy, loving relationship with her partner, 35-year-old Matthew Henry, even if he had seemed a little distant lately. Once they had saved enough for a deposit, they'd buy a house, get married and settle into the cozy domesticity she envied in so many of their friends. Read More>>>

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Prescription for Depression? "Oops, Never Mind!"

What do you think might help your depression; medication, psychotherapy, both? You decide.

If you would like to read more about the different kinds of anxiety disorders as well as the two types of depression please visit my website at I always say that education is the first step to feeling better.

Monday March 1st, 1pm at, I will be discussing counseling for anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. My guest, Dietician, Jeri Evans will speak about the relationship between nutrition, anxiety, and depression.

Please read on...


Most of us have been depressed at one time during our lives, or know someone who is seriously depressed. When Prozac burst on the scene 20 years ago, it seemed that a major step had been achieved. More people responded well to the drug and fine-tuning it was easier than with past antidepressants.

Since then, taking antidepressants has become as normal as taking aspirin for a headache. Yet the ebullience of the Prozac generation was steadily undercut. Many patients didn't respond to the point that it is now conceded that more than half of depressed people may not benefit from any standard antidepressant. Along with alarming statistics about violence and suicide associated with these drugs, the treatment of depression has become increasingly shaky.

Now a major study has concluded that the entire approach of Prozac and related drugs has been wrong from the start. That's a very big "oops" on the part of pharmaceutical companies and the research they use as justification for their billion-dollar drugs. Read More>>>

Monday, February 15, 2010

Geriatric psychology, the psychology of older people.

I don't need counseling!! That's what older people tell me. Actually you might. Counseling for older adults has proven to be very effective. If you are struggling, read this article. If you have an older parent who seems like they might benefit from counseling; read and share this article with them. For more information on counseling older adults, tune in next Monday at 1pm to, Talk Therapy. I will be speaking about counseling for Older Adults and Debbie Dozal from the Glendora Senior Center will be speaking on what the senior program offers older adults. Please read on...


This science is being studied at the doctoral level by people who have no experience being old. Once they have their piece of paper, they can teach others how to teach old people how to be old. Young people tend to be more enthusiastic about the whole concept of successful aging and anti-aging than their grandparents are. That's why old people are often crabby.

At 63, I'm on the threshold of "young" old age. I have friends in "middle" old age, and others who are "old" old. I have a mother who finds old age very inconvenient and resents what she perceives as the admonitions of the young to suck it up and try harder.

What does old age mean in practical terms, and why do we need trained professionals to help us navigate this passage of life? Read More>>>

Monday, February 8, 2010

Is Your Marriage Good Enough? 10 Questions to Ask

Yup, nothing's perfect. Sucks huh? Maybe not....
Good enough marriage, good enough mother/father. We do the best we can. Are our expectations unrealistic? If you made a list of pros and cons, would your marriage/relationship be good enough? Good enough is not about settling, it's about realistic expectations. Read on, you may find your relationship is pretty darn good after all.


Are you expecting too much? Are you just "settling"? Ginger Tobias asks ten pointed questions about the state of your union.

You don't need NFL training to hurl a pizza across a New York City apartment. I found this out as I ducked to avoid my husband's dinner (he didn't fling it at me, he claims). "They folded the slices," he bellowed. "Ruined." I bit my tongue hard—but not, unfortunately, before "Did you lose your nappies?" slipped out (nappies being what they call diapers in England, which is where he's from and where, at this point, I was wishing he had stayed). Big mistake. He went off like a car alarm, the honk-honk-beeeep-honk of his tirade so familiar, I'd long since learned to tune it out by doing guided imagery: Single Me with full custody of remote control. Single Me released from his rancid pessimism. Single Me without tomato and extra cheese dripping down my newly painted white (of course) wall. Read More>>>