Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Dating During Divorce Is Unwise

I always suggest that during and after a divorce a person focuses on themselves and of course their children, if there are any. This is the time to practice self-care and grieve your losses. It's also a time to make your children feel safe in all the chaos. I think it's very important to look back at the relationship and work towards changes you'd like to make in yourself before you jump into another relationship.
Please read on and learn other important reasons to hold off on dating until your divorce is final.


If you're thinking about dating during divorce ...DON'T! You may think that you are free to start a new relationship once the decision is made to separate or divorce. But it is wise to hold off on the dating scene until after your divorce is finalized for a number of strategic, legal, and emotional reasons.

Strategic reasons not to date before divorce

Emotions are raw during a divorce. When you start seeing someone else, it is like rubbing salt into your husband's wounds. Believe me, he will likely react to the fact that you are dating by making your life hell during the divorce process. He may seek revenge to compensate for the anger, hurt, and embarrassment that he feels you have caused him.

Even if your husband has...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

Relationships end and it's hard, especially if you're not the one who wanted it. Even if the relationship wasn't healthy, it's hard to forget about the good times. In our minds we think the person is who we want them to be and not who they truly are. The end of a relationship is like any other loss. You need to take time to grieve and then to focus on building yourself up and beginning a new journey. Read on to learn how!


Moving on after a Relationship ends...

It’s never easy when a marriage or other significant relationship ends. Whatever the reason for the split – and whether or not you wanted it – the breakup of a long-term, committed relationship can turn your whole world upside down and trigger all sorts of painful and unsettling feelings. But there are things you can do to get through this difficult time. Even in the midst of the sadness and stress of a divorce or breakup, you have an opportunity to learn from the experience and grow into a stronger, wiser person.

Healing After a Divorce or Breakup

Why do breakups hurt so much, even when the relationship is no longer good? Read More>>>

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Top 15 Dating Mistakes Guys Make

Hi fellas! Read this article and tell me if you see parts of yourself. Could that be partly why you're still single? You tell me...


Okay fellas, the ladies have to hand it to you-- you do a lot of things to make our hearts swoon. You surprise us by taking the initiative to invite us out to dinner-- where we will undoubtedly enjoy a romantic meal by candlelight, talk for hours, spoon feed each other creme brulee-- wait a minute, are those your friends from college about to sit with us? And you wonder why we're mad later. Needless to say, sometimes guys trip up their own game with the ladies without even realizing it. Here's a list of the most common dating mistakes guys make-- so you can keep your game in check.

1. Overly Possessive

Stop. Just, stop. If the girl is dating you, she obviously wants to be with you doofus-- there's no need to call her every hour, resort to extreme PDA to show the world she's yours, or be on her back all the time about her guy friends. It's not sweet, it's stifling, and nobody wants to date a guy like that. Except that chick from Twilight-- we guess there are a few here and there that are into that whole creepily possessive, smothering, super jealous deal. Read More>>>

Monday, April 5, 2010

Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make

I see tons and tons of mistakes that women make, but I have a few specific ones that seem to be common with our gender.
By: B. Hamrick

1. Being Clingy

I don’t care if you are a dead ringer for Kristy Brinkley and have an outstanding personality; you aren’t getting anywhere with a guy if you are clingy. The fascinating thing about this is most women don’t even realize they are clingy. There are many ways to be clingy, but I’ve listed the most common below:

Telephone. Your guy should be calling you at least twice as many times as you call him. If he is supposed to call you at 5 don’t pick up the phone at 5:02 when you haven’t heard from him. If this is completely out of character for him and you are afraid something may be wrong, you can call him in an hour. This rule is especially important in the beginning of a relationship. Let him be the one to call you and make plans. Don’t call him everyday, and always have a good reason to call him (don’t try to make one up- you will sound so very lame). Also be sure to hang up with him before the convo goes stale. Oh, and when he calls you let it go to voicemail once in a while!Read More>>>